Hallo Leute! :)
Ich dachte ich schreibe mal abschließend für dieses Jahr einen langen Blogpost. 2019 war ein Jahr wo ich wieder zu mir selber finden musste. Deshalb gab es auch nicht so viele Beauty Beiträge. Ich mag Make-up aber hatte schlichtweg keine Motivation und keine Zeit mehr etwas konstant zu posten. Ich habe mich eher mit mir selber als Menschen beschäftigt und mehr mit dem echten Leben. Als erstes habe ich auf englisch ein paar Sätze geschrieben die dann zu diesem großen Text ausgeartet sind.
was such s crazy year for me. Never did I thought that people could break so deeply my heart still I am so thankful for it. It sounds crazy but without them
I wouldn't be right here where I am. Some people made me feel crazy for beeing honest, loyal, happy and a good
person but honestly I always kept beeing me, I can’t explain how much I cried
for one person that couldn’t care less about me but I will always remember the
good times. I always will have love for people that I met and laughed with. All these negative experiences brought me to
realizing my own worth, putting myself first. When I realized that, all good
things started to happen. Some of my wishes came true that I wanted for ages! :) Everything starts with you! Your thoughts become
reality. Especially I am so thankful for one person that did so much for me, I
can’t explain my gratitude but when 8 hours of your day are without crying or
stomach pains and are actually fun it means so so much! :) I love good
people who care about others, we only have one life and you always have the
choice beeing a good person and choose the life you want to have. I hope that some people find their way of truly happines. Happines isn't a place, money or a certain person to be with. Happiness is within you. I hope they see, that they can choose how they want to treat people around them and that they can be the best
version of themselves. In some cases it's so hard to forgive someone who wasn’t even sorry but I forgave them for me, so that I can move on. I truly wish them good. I can only
say work on yourself, love yourself and do the things that you love. Don’t
listen to people that didn’t find themselves and want to make you sad for
beeing you and doing what you love. Also when you are sad, be it, feel your
emotions. Never compress them. Negative experiences are good, they are showing
you what you don’t want and make you stronger. Start to listen to your
intuition, everything is energy, if something doesn’t feel right the chances are
that it actually isn’t. I could always read people well and sometimes you simply don't want to see it even if you exactly know that something doesn't feel good. Happiness, love and beeing grateful are the things people
have to focus on more. Never let fear win. I am such an empath, so I always
want to help, to see people happy and to see them succeed. I wish that you
won’t waste any minute of your beautiful life. Life it to the fullest, surround
yourself with people that love you the way you are. I always think when your
mind is beautiful it makes you automatically beautiful on the outside. I am
also thankful for all the people that were there for me, for every person that follows me, for every company that sent products to me that I shared with my family and friends, for the people that
listened even for the hundredth times to my problems. 2019 was surely a year of
awakening for me (to be more aware of me), I learned so much and you really don’t need much to be happy,
sometimes it’s just finding yourself again (beeing your own best friend) or
starring at a beautiful sky or laughing till your stomach hurts! :) I am not gonna lie, finding yourself, comming to that way what you truly want is a bit lonely but in the end so worth it. You will come to that realization that you even have to let go of toxic people because even if you are happy, negative people can make you feel drained and nobody needs that. People that are meant to be in your life, will always gravitate back. Also don't let your emotions taking over you, when you are in a certain situation always ask yourself "why I am feeling like this, will this situation or moment make me happy, will it matter in 5 years?" Make every minute to the best moment, not only at a beginning of a new year. Always life in the now and don't waste your time with the past and future. The current right moment is what matters, simply enjoy it. If you want to do something, do it. If you don't like something and you can change it, do it and if you like somebody say it. I am so grateful and happy that this is my worst and
best year ever and a year that shaped me as a human forever. Can't wait to see what's next!🥰